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2017 Top Ten: Acrimònia Queen

Who will win the crown of the year between Paris, Lindsay and many others?


2017 is about to end and like every year we are all here, to sum up, what happened and obviously hoping for something nice for 2018 coming. The editorial staff of Acrimònia wondered who was the most clicked icon of the year closing. Here's our top ten ... ready to find out who's on the podium? #10 Nicole Richie #9 Anastacia #8 Nicole Scherzinger #7 Dolly Parton #6 Pamela Anderson #5 - #4 Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton 2017toptenacrimoniaqueen_acrimoniamagazine22017toptenacrimoniaqueen_acrimoniamagazine5 #3 Britney Spears #2 Jennifer Lopez #1 👑 Kim Kardashian 👑 2017toptenacrimoniaqueen_acrimoniamagazine4