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10 things you don't know about Leonardo DiCaprio

Happy Birthday Leo!


Waiting for 43 years, we reveal a series of curiosities of one of Hollywood's most paid actors. 10 che non sapete su Leonardo DiCaprio_acrimoniamagazine2

  1. He suffers from an obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  2. He has an island off the coast of Belize.
  3. It's said that the name Leonardo was given to him because, while his mother was pregnant, in front of a paint of the Renaissance artist Leo gave his first kick.
  4. His second name is Wilhelm.
  5. His first agent wanted to change his name to Lenny Williams. Leonardo DiCaprio was too "ethnic". He refused.
  6. He's a committed environmentalist. He created the "Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation" to help to protect our planet.
  7. In 2006, he saved himself by a miracle. He risked being devoured by a white shark during a dive near Cape Town, who was imprisoned in the cage he watched animals.
  8. He has a giant tortoise like a pet.
  9. He has never taken part in a sequel.
  10. He never used drugs. To play Jordan Belfort in "The Wolf of Wall Street", the actor consulted an asthma expert. In addition, to better enter the character, he studied the video on YouTube "The Drunkest Guy in the World".